The Man Behind The Health Currency

Jack's Story

Hi! I’m Jack, and am the face behind the Health Currency. During my journey, I’ve learned a great deal about weight loss, building muscle, and how much better you can feel when you implement better lifestyle changes. 

My own journey started shortly after University, when I made some simple lifestyle changes that completely healed my eczema and massively improved my general energy levels. I started working out consistently in the gym, reduced my sugar intake, incorporated more whole foods into my diet and started researching all things health and wellness. 

After making these lifestyle changes I felt like I’d unlocked a whole new way of living, and once I realised that simple changes can have such a profound impact on your health I naturally want to share what I’ve learned with the world!

Jack sitting in a gym

My Mission

With all the noise online, It’s become increasingly difficult to know how to get started on your health and fitness journey. The internet is flooded with quick fix solutions and diet fads that teach very little about the fundamentals of leading a healthy lifestyle, and ultimately set you up to fail in the long-run. 

My mission is to provide you with simple and actionable advice on how you can improve your health, fitness and life. I won’t just provide the tools to do this, but will teach you the basics of leading a healthier and more fulfilling life so that you can educate others too! 

My greatest belief is that the time you put into staying physically and mentally healthy is the greatest investment you can make. Don’t wait for “the right time” to start or “get healthy”, invest in your health now to unlock the best version of yourself and reap the long term benefits in the future!

Jack running in the park
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