Jack's homemade granola bowl

Jack’s Protein Granola Recipe

Jack’s Protein Granola Recipe

My own granola recipe was born out of my frustration with the distinct lack of high protein/low sugar granola options in supermarkets. Plus, I also have a nut allergy, which makes navigating the granola section all the more tricky. These factors led me to the creation of my own recipe (through trial and error) which contains more protein, fibre (and less sugar) than many of the popular brands you will see displayed in most big supermarkets today.

The below recipe makes anywhere from 8 – 12 servings depending on how much granola you use per portion, so naturally goes a long way across a whole week. All in all it provides a healthy and cost effective brekkie that can be enjoyed by you, your partner and your family.

Overall ingredients for a weeks batch

  • Oats (320g) = 1,245 kcal
  • Pumpkin seeds (80g) = 464 kcals
  • Sunflower seeds (80g) = 357 kcals
  • Chia seeds (60g) = 972 kcals
  • Cocoa powder (50g) = 205 kcals
  • Honey (4 tbsp) = 256 kcals
  • EV olive oil (4 tbsp) = 495 kcals
  • Whey isolate natural chocolate protein powder (2 scoops) = 220 kcals
  • Cinnamon (1tbsp)
  • Salt (1 heaped tsp)
  • Overall = 4,214 kcals in a batch

*Please note – there can be subtle calorie variances depending on where you buy your ingredients from.

The overall weight of all the granola mixed was 686g.

686/80g (which was a good portion for me) = 8.6 servings. Of course, you can experiment with the portion sizes depending on your size and goals (e.g., weight loss OR weight gain).

Jack’s Granola vs Jordan’s Granola

You can see the macro-nutritional breakdown (+ sugar) for an 80g serving of my protein granola below:

  • Oats (37.2g)
  • Pumpkin seeds (9.3g)
  • Sunflower seeds (9.3g)
  • Chia seeds (6.4g)
  • Cocoa powder (5.8g)
  • Honey (1/2 tablespoon)
  • Protein powder (5.8g)

Overall Approx = 17-18g protein, 21g fat, 44g carbs, 8.3g fibre, 9.4g sugar, 400-430 kcals.

Compare this to 80g of Jordan’s granola = 8.2g protein, 10g fat, 58g carbs, fibre 5.7g, sugar 14.8g, 340 kcals.

Some key takeaways here

  • Jack’s granola has nearly 10g more protein in.
  • Jack’s granola is higher in fibre.
  • Jack’s granola has less sugar in.
  • Jack’s granola is slightly higher in calories and is more satiating!

At this point you’re hopefully feeling inspired to try out the recipe!

Here’s how you make it below

  1. Get a big mixing bowl and weighing scale.
  2. Add in the oats, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, whey protein powder and cocoa powder (weighing them as you go).
  3. Add in the salt and cinnamon.
  4. Mix all these ingredients together in the mixing bowl.
  5. Add in the EV olive oil & honey and stir together until thoroughly mixed.
  6. Mix together the chia seeds with water to create a paste (sticking agent). This will help ensure the granola sticks together when baking in the oven. I tend to mix water in with the seeds very gradually until you see a nice paste form.
  7. Bake at 200 C for 12-14 minutes (depending on how crunchy you want your granola to be)

Once you’ve taken it out the oven

  • Leave the baked granola to cool for 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the granola from the baking tray using a spatula and add it to a jar or tuppaware for the week ahead.
  • Make sure to keep it in a cool dry place as you would with your standard supermarket granola.

This is how I eat my granola bowl

  • One serving (80g) with 300g of greek yoghurt (0% fat) and two handfuls of berries.
  • So the overall bowl with greek yoghurt & berries included contains approx 35-40g protein, 600-650 kcals & contains 3rd of your recommended daily fibre intake!

Give it a try and let me know if you enjoy it!
Jack's protein granola bowl

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